Thursday, December 10, 2009


Has the following ever happened to you? There’s a place on your way you hope to reach by nightfall. A lovely nice house, not very close, not hopelessly distant, however, too. From the hilltop you are standing, you can even see its lights twinkling ahead. You descend into a valley and lose it from your sight, after getting out you see it again. Not as close as you expected, perhaps, but still firmly on your route. Then suddenly you find yourself in a thick forest. It was not there, when you looked from the hill, but, well, maybe you just overlooked it in the deepening dusk. It takes some time to get through and then you see the light in completely unexpected direction. But you still believe it’s the right one (no other is visible) and continue. Quite suddenly (again!) you got trapped in a bog. It needs all your skill and attention to get out. And back on firm ground, you see only a distant glow behind the spreading darkness. You follow it, it seems to get stronger and your spirits rise. Then, unexpectedly … When every single one of these happenings may be considered to be a pure chance, all of them together … How long does it take, before your pace slows down to a standstill and you start thinking … thinking about what?
From The Institute (Imaginary Library)

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